So, I pretty much love my iPhone, I use it for basically everything & if you know me, you know this already. My phone serves as 'sound machine' to help get me to sleep (ocean waves), it's my alarm clock, my calendar, camera, video camera, task list, iPod, running partner, weather man, connection to friends & family through Facebook, Foursquare, Twitter...oh yeah and my email & phone (with FaceTime!).
What I'd like to focus on right now is not the fact that I may or may not be addicted to my smart phone, but the fact that it is a very useful "1-stop shop" for my life! I no longer need a purse full of gadgets & gizmos as I used to, but simply need my iPhone (you would think this would have also caused a downsize in my purse...hmm). Upon getting an iPhone I contacted all my Apple-friendly friends to see what the best apps were, then did some exploring on my own & eventually have ended up with a multitude of applications that I use at least once a week. Okay, maybe I don't use ALL of them...and perhaps I should do some "spring cleaning" to free up some space. Either way, I have my favorites, my regulars & my "when I'm boreds". (In case you are curious, some of my favorites include: Words with Friends, Facebook, Pandora, The Weather Channel, PingChat, ESPN Score Center, Foursquare, Twitter, Nike+ GPS)
This brings me to Twitter. I never thought I would be a tweeter, I didn't see the purpose in giving "status updates" so often, I mean who listens...and who do I care about enough to listen to theirs? HOWEVER, once I started...I LOVE IT! I love that I can "follow" friends as well as celebrities, athletes & people who I don't even know...but share interests with! One thing I love most about Twitter is the awesome event that rarely happens...but when it does, leaves me "twittered pink!" What I'm referring to is when a celeb/athlete/important person reTweets or responds to one of my tweets to them! My first experience with celeb tweets was while I was training for my triathlon, I was having a heck of a time getting my swimming down so I reached out to Olympian swimmer Dara Torres & asked for her advice and SHE RESPONDED VIA DIRECT MESSAGE! And in her case more than once, her wonderfulness responded to three different tweets of mine on separate occasions! Next was Stu Holden (soccer player), he responded to a tweet of mine regarding my love for the numbers 22 & 7...I was soooo excited! Then I went through a bit of a lull in celeb tweets...until lately!
Just this past week I've had quite a few star striking Twitter encounters! First, I follow pitcher Brad Penny, and earlier this week he tweeted about wanting to play "Words with Friends" with some people & posted his user name. Well, I jumped all over that & started up a game with the MLB player (I mean c'mon, I'd never pass up that...even if it was with a White Sox player, well...maybe)., he & I started playing a game and the NEXT DAY he became a member of the Detroit Tigers! I could have died when I heard the news! So, we're still currently in the's really close, but he's ahead by about 30 points as we speak. Next, I've had a few comments back & forth with Tiger's blogger Jason Beck! Now, he may not be considered "celeb status" to most of you...but he is to me, so whatevs, we've been chatting about some of the recent Tigers moves! THEN Mario Impemba (Detroit Tigers announcer) joined the Twitter world & I tweeted about how much I missed him, Rod & the Tigers in general...and he RESPONDED! Ahh! :)
Now, this last one just happened and is by far my favorite tweet! Larry Fitzgerald and Kurt Warner had been tweeting back & forth about playing other sports and Larry commented that Kurt should come back as an MLB pitcher & he would play outfield, ending with, "what do you think?" Well, I felt like being a bit sarcastic and tweeted to the both of them, "I think y'alls team would suck. Lol...just kidding, kind of. :)" and KURT WARNER responded! He said: "Our team, I never said I could play, now that's a different story! LOL" OH MY GOODNESS! KURT WARNER! I've been a fan of #13 for a LONG time...I even had his jersey as a Ram! Needless to say, I was pretty stinkin' excited! :)
So now I wonder...who will be my next celeb encounter on Twitter? I think for my upcoming birthday I'll be one of those annoying people who tweets a bunch of celebs asking for a bday reTweet! ;)
I am not a celeb but I am pretty awesome so if you wanna play me, my user name is SuperERizzle...same as my twitter name...which I relpy to your tweets with pretty regularly. So maybe YOU are the celeb and just don't know it?